Mulberry Trees - Mulberry Leaf Juice
Mulberry trees have edible and nutritious leaves - as silkworms can attest.
However these leaves have a rather high proportion of fibre, which gets stuck
between your teeth, and is rapidly satiating.
This effects limit consumption - and can easily result in not consuming
enough mulberry leaves - if you are not careful.
One approach to this issue is mulberry leaf juice.
For this, you will need:
Produce: Fresh, washed mulberry leaves
Equipment: Twin gear juicer
After processing the former produce with the latter equipment, you should obtain:
Output: mulberry leaf juice
Mulberry leaf juice is broadly similar to wheatgrass juice. It is not as sweet
- and the taste is reminiscent of mulberries. Both seem to make me shake my
head involuntarily during consumption. Both are probably best consumed
Problem: mulberry froth
Mulberry leaf juice is about a frothy as wheatgrass juice, if not more so.
Spraying water onto the surface can help with this problem a bit.
Mulberry Leaf Tea
Mulberry leaf extract
Mulberry leaf powder