Mulberry Tree - Vegetative propagation
Mulberry trees can be propagated vegetatively.
While not such experts at vegetative propagation as their
relatives in the fig family, mulberries show natural tendencies
to lay their branches on the ground, in the hope that they will
take root.
They also have another strategy, which is relatively unusual
for a tree: mulberry trees seem to like to fall over.
Falling over is a risky strategy for a tree - since its leaves
may no longer be in the light and they are more exposed to
ground-based predators.
However, mulberries often develop multiple trunks - so losing
one is not normally fatal - and may pay off.

Multiple trunks

Multiple trunks
The trunks often split near the base of the tree, and then
rest along the ground, while remaining attached to the tree
at one end.

Split trunk

Split trunk
Trunks lying on the ground put down roots, resist the forces of
decay - and often do fine.

Horizontal trunk lying on the ground
Because of this tendency to lie on the ground, many people prop up
elderly trees, to prevent this from happening.

Propped up

Many props
As a result of this tendency of branches to take root,
mulberry trees may be propagated by cuttings.

Cuttings in water
Cuttings should ideally be taken around February.
Large cuttings are more likely to strike. Soak for a
few weeks, and then plant deeply. Exposed twigs may be
wrapped with moss to prevent evaporation.
Use of vermiculite and anti-fungal rooting powders may
I speculate that strategic amputation may also help
the cutting to concentrate its resources where they
will be most useful.
My cutting propagation attempts have not been
very successful so far. I have only one confirmed
strike, which came from the decapitated head of
one of my own seedlings.
Morus Alba shows signs of being more easily
propagated by cuttings than Morus Nigra.
Layering is also possible. Burying existing branches
is likely to work best - but moss-wrapping branches
above the ground before severing may also be possible.
I have now tried layering. I haven't had any successes so far.
Vegetative propagation of black mulberries is not a trivial exercise.
I may experiment with partly-burying existing seedlings, so more than
one branch emerges from the ground - followed by division the following